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NNCP (Natural Nutritional Consulting Practitioner) is an recognized accreditation with CANNP (Canadian Association of Nutritional Practitioners). Through 2022, I am not registered through CANNP though my designation stands as I complete upgrading hours (CEs). Currently, I am an active Associate Member of CAHN-Pro as I'm taking several months away from my 1:1 practice to provide more maximal expertise to a less general, more clarified, group of adults seeking nutritional guidance & wellness coaching. 

In Spring 2022, WellnessStudio (aka, myself)  is been honoured to be awarded : Best Nutritionists in Guelph 2022 by Canadian Business Awards !

Though Registered Natural Nutritionists are yet to be regulated in Canada, my particular accreditation NNCP reflects a significant level of knowledge. NNCP designation is intended to be renewed annually as until 2022, it has been since 2009.

RNT (Registered Nutritional Therapist) is my over and above NNCP designation, which eases my knowledge and skills into more clinical settings. I am not a medical professional.


Code of Ethics 

(As an NNCP/RNT/CSNC, I follow a Code of Ethics. - a professional trained in natural nutrition to coach you upon the benefits of a sound nutritional program, proper supplementation and healthy lifestyle modalities to encourage you to achieve optimum health and energy. I can address individual nutritional imbalances to enhance your immune system and recommend nutritional and wellness habits support to help you build and maintain well-being)

CANNP NNCP- means my designation is qualified for extended benefits with a variety of Canadian insurers including Manulife, Greenshield, Blue Cross Alberta.


Disclaimer: Each of my clients, even individuals within one household, signs a disclaimer like this: 

'I acknowledge Reay Hutchinson (RNT/NNCP/CSNC) of is not a medical doctor and cannot diagnose or administer treatment procedures nor advise upon the effects of prescribed medications and supplements with suggested dietary and well-living plans. I understand and acknowledge that the services provided by Reay Hutchinson are restricted to support and consultation on the subject of health, nutrition and well-being and are not meant for the purposes of wholly treating existing disease or any licensed or controlled act which may constitute the practice of medicine. Recipes, food photography, graphics and suggestions made here are the property of Reay Hutchinson and are not to be copied, shared or sold to any other person or entity.'



When available, is a locally procured and aged vegan apple cider vinegar. Made with over 90% local and Canadian ingredients: organic apple cider vinegar, grated and dried turmeric, organic grated garlic, organic Ontario maple syrup, grated white onion. Each bottle is 220mL glass with a non BPA lined plastic screw cap.


Culinary Professional

I hold a Culinary Arts + Food and Media Diploma from the outstanding chef school at George Brown College. I am also PT employed as a private chef at a mental health and addictions treatment facility. February 2021 I earned trade papers - journeyperson 'trade challenger' completing 7000+hours of cooking, menu development, maintaining safety and health protocols, recipes development and so forth. I am registered at Skilled Trades Ontario. #NeverTooOld. #NoGritNoPearl.



Handling Customer Complaints and Suggestions 

You may direct any questions or enquiries with respect to our practices by

contacting: Reay Hutchinson



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